Hi there. My name is Livy and I have a passion for Avon.
I have always had pride in my appearance, skin care and style. From doing promotions to photographic modeling and now, working the front line in the business world, I know that using a quality product is the way to go.
Looking amazing does not need to be expensive. I was originally introduced to Avon through my high school friend several years back and every time I visited her she would shove an Avon brochure in my bag before I stepped foot out the door. I then started browsing through and was amazed by the affordable prices. Instead of spending lots of money on my monthly hair care and creams I decided to rather purchase affordable products through her. After a while, she asked if I wouldn’t like to sign up myself and so I did and I have been faithfully supporting the product since.
“Each campaign brings new excitement because Avon is constantly bringing out new and improved products.”
“I take pride in Avon because it is one of the top selling beauty brands in the world, and I always get great feedback from new and existing customers.”